Selected Publications


My poem, “My Therapist Wants to Know About My Relationship to Work” was featured on the podcast Poetry Unbound with Pádraig Ó Tuama.

"Tiana Clark Reads Natasha Trethewey"The New Yorker Poetry Podcast


New Ways of Surviving: Writing Through a Global PandemicPoets & Writers

The surreal anticlimax of getting divorced over videoconferenceThe Washington Post

We keep revising our idea of Emily Dickinson. We may never get her right.The Washington Post

This Is What Black Burnout Feels LikeBuzzFeed

PCOS. POC. Poetry. & PilatesLenny Letter

Nina is Everywhere I Go Oxford American

Tiana Clark on "Conversation with Phillis Wheatley #2" — Poetry Society of America

Tiana Clark: How I Wrote “BBHMM”The Adroit Journal 


“Maybe in Another Life” —The New Yorker

“After the Reading” —

“Considering Roe v. Wade, Letters to the Black Body” —The Atlantic

“The Terror of New Love!” The New England Review

“Broken Sestina Reaching for Black Joy” — The Atlantic

“I Stare at a Cormorant”The Atlantic

"Nashville"The New Yorker

"My Therapist Wants to Know About My Relationship to Work" Poetry Magazine

"The First Black Bachelorette"Kenyon Review (an excerpt is linked)

“Broken Ode for the Epigraph” Tin House Online

“Indeed Hotter for Me are the Joys of the Lord”Missouri Review

“The Rime of Nina Simone” Southern Cultures

"Tim"Frontier Poetry Open Award

"Virtue Signaling: Wisconsin"Los Angeles Review

"800 Days: Libation" — Poem-a-Day on July 20, 2017, by the Academy of American Poets.

"Soil Horizon" — 2016 Academy of American Poets Vanderbilt University Prize, selected by T.R. Hummer.

"Bear Witness" —Thrush

 "BBHMM"The Journal

 "Ways to be Saved"The Rumpus

"I Started Praying for You"American Poetry Review

"A Psalm for the One" — The Adroit Journal

"After Orpheus"The Arkansas International

"Equilibrium"2015 Rattle Poetry Prize winner 

"BNA to LAX"  —The Offing

"How to Find the Center of a Circle" & "Broken Ghazal for Walter Scott" Muzzle Magazine   
